Meat Raffles and Fundraising

Jordo's Chop Shop has all the answers for your fundraising needs. Whether it's meat raffles, a sausage sizzle, or anything else, we'll make sure you get the best meat at the best prices to make your day a success.


Fundraising Specials:

  • Buy $100 worth of meat vouchers, get a $25 voucher free
  • Buy $300 worth of meat vouchers, get 2 x $50 vouchers free

For more information, contact Jordo's Chop Shop today.


Sausage Sizzles:

It has been proven that using hand made quality butcher shop sausages for your sausage sizzles maximises your sausage sizzle sales. This is because people will nearly always come back for a second and third sausage it the first one was good. Jordo's unbeatable quality and great prices guarantee you will raise more funds for your sporting club or community group.

Below are links to our most popular fund raising meats, but feel free to have a look through our 700+ product store for anything else that might give your fund raiser the edge.